

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Happy Birthday.

      It's been a while and I am quite stuck with my day to day job. Apart from that, I was sicked for few days with quite a coughing. It wasn't that good when you were sick in this land of strangers. But still, I gotta make myself comfortable with this land as sooner or later this going to be my second home. Ah, just as seem you understand?

Well, I did managed to hit the gym for like 2 times this week. Although, am not being that much consistent these days but at least I still make an effort out of my busy day end jobs. To be honest, I am just not dare to weight myself any-more. I couldn't afford to stress myself. That was why, I keep telling myself, let just go easy. I'll keep on reminding myself that am doing this just to get healthy and live longer. I am not prepared to let go yet. So?

January has always been my favourite month as IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!. And I have to admit that I love getting present. Like loads of it!

So this year, I am celebrating my second birthday with my lovely man. No cakes but dinner. And I didn't realized that we hit the restaurant which I am always dying to get in. Laugh out loud!!

As much as he knows me, he let me choose two types of my favorite bears... I guessed they are called bears.

So let's do the photos.

His gift

Then a second gift from my best friend Hannah.

My favourite Yankee Candle all the way from Lousiana

The last gift was from my boss. Unexpectedly!

So I was jokingly say, how sudden was she finally decided to get me some present for my birthday and my friend replied, "maybe she scared you will resign?"...

Till then.


  1. Love the candles :) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY :D

    1. Oh yeah, I love them too. Thank you for ur birthday wishes....

  2. cher sioknya dapat hadiah banyak... selalu kalau sa wish seja la dapat..hihihi

    1. ba lumrah ba tu Beth..sepa yg x suka kan???..ko hint hint la hub ko time birthday ko..hehehhe

  3. Sioknya tu hadiah-hadiah.

    Ko tau mula-mula sia mo suru ko ambi gambar ko pakai tu baju sekali tinguk bukan gambar ba pula wakaka.

    Happy Wednesday, bisuk Cher hehe. (uina mo panggil ko Cher suda ka skg :D )

  4. Happy Birthday, dear.^^ Love these candles so much...
    Lovely greets Nessa

  5. Happy belated buffday dear!



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